Friday, October 17, 2008

Mark and I spent our last weekend "together" before our baby arrives. Through our timeshare we rented a condo last weekend @ The Shore in Lake Travis, TX. The lake was few steps from our condo. There were deers all over. Mark wanted to BBQ one of them, but it was prohibited to catch them. Since they are very tamed, the humans can feed them very closely. Mark's friend, James and his family, visited us for the day. We drove to Austin to see the bats fly off, but since it way daylight yet, we killed time by driving to Georgetown to go to Inner Space Cavern. There I saw one of God's wonderful creations....calcium deposits that developed through time from Hard water. Enjoy the pictures....

I'm in a cave!

I get to touch this thing!

They call the pillar as the "kissing pillar"-see right side of Picture

A closer look of the "kissing" pillar

Look! A Sundae.

A tiny frog in the Cave!

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